Beyond Measurement Artifacts: Integrating Measurement Equivalence with Theory Development in Cross Cultural Research

2014-02-12 @ 11:30 – 13:00
York University Schulich School of Business, N106
York University
4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
The Organization Studies area at Schulich invites you to attend a seminar with Professor Gordon Cheung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong). Prof. Cheung is an outstanding and innovative researcher with expertise in research methods and structural equation modelling, as well as international and cross-cultural research.
Prof. Cheung is currently professor at the Department of Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  He is a dedicated researcher with expertise in research methods and structural equation modeling. He has published more than 20 articles in research methodologies, which have been cited about 4,000 times. He has twice received the Sage Best Paper Award from the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management (2000 and 2009) and in 2008 the Best Published Paper Award in Organizational Research Methods. Prof. Cheung served as the Division Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management in 2006/07. Prof. Cheung’s research interest in measurement equivalence/invariance (ME/I) started more than 15 years ago and he has published over 10 papers in this area. His paper “Testing Factorial Invariance Across Groups: A Reconceptualization and Proposed New Method” published at Journal of Management in 1999 and the paper “Assessing Extreme and Acquiescence Response Sets in Cross-Cultural Research Using Structural Equations Modeling” published at Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology in 2000 define the way on how ME/I should be examined. The paper “Evaluating Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Testing Measurement Invariance” published in 2002 at Structural Equation Modeling Journal, which defines the standard on how nested models should be compared, has received more than 2,000 citations. The paper “Testing Equivalence in the Structure, Means, and Variances of Higher-Order Constructs with Structural Equation Modeling” published in 2008 at Organizational Research Methods received the 2008 Best Paper Published in Organizational Research Methods Award.Structure, Means, and Variances of Higher-Order Constructs with Structural Equation Modeling” published in 2008 at Organizational Research Methods received the 2008 Best Paper Published in Organizational Research Methods Award. 

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